Importance of Rural Market

1. Large market:-
Approximately 75% of Indian’s population resides around 6,38,365 villages of India spread over 32,00,000 Sq. kilometre 41% of Indian’s middle class resides in rural areas. The Indian rural consumer leaves in 6,00,000 villages across the country and they account for over 70% of population of the country. For several product categories, rural markets account for over 60% of the national demand.

2. Higher purchasing capacity:-
According to NCAER [National Council for Applied Economic Research]. As per NCAER study there are many middle income and above households in the rural areas. As there are in the urban areas there are almost twice as many lower middle income households in rural areas as in the urban areas. Because of this purchasing power of power of rural people is on rise.

3. Market growth:-
'Hariyali Kissan Bajar' was set up by Shri Ram Consolidated Limited (SRCL) to facilitates scale of agriculture inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides forming equipment, seeds etc. Shakti- though the state governments and NGO’S involved in microfinance women entrepreneurs in villages are identified to act as local distribution and sales point for HUL products.

4. ITC:-
ITC’s internet enabled rural interface to help scale of agricultural outputs is presently operational in 6 states market is growing at a rate of 3-4% p.a.
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