
A Glimpse of Guerilla Marketing


If you are still using Traditional Marketing then you are definitely missing a lot of potential clients, what if I tell you there are many other ways in which you can market your product or service viz. Social Media Marketing, Memes Marketing etc. But in this article I am going to talk about Guerilla Marketing. Many of you might have not heard of it before but I am sure you might have seen or experienced it in some point of your life, if not then maybe at the end of this article you might figure out what Guerilla Marketing is all about.

To be honest Guerilla Marketing is not a new concept but it is still misunderstood, underused or underrated. It was first coined in 1984 by Jay Conrad Levinson who published the book with the same name as an alternative to traditional marketing, he termed that this marketing strategy is focused on taking the viewer by surprise, creating a strong impression and creating massive influence through the word of mouth or in today’s social media platform.

Guerilla Marketing is all about being clever, creative and thinking out of the box. It is a set of unconventional ways to convey your Brand/Product/Services to your customers. In today’s competitive market many Brands are fighting head to toe so that they may gain some space in your mind and they have many weapons in their arsenal like hard-selling, jingles or brainwashing a customer in such a way that when s/he feels a particular need for anything they many choose a product sub-consciously without even thinking or blinking. Guerilla Marketing makes the companies go through the extra mile to obtain this advantage through exceptional creativity. It is a super-duper marketing package that incites confusion, interest or even excitement into the prospects, it may be a street art, optical illusion or social awareness with common words and uncommon social activity using unconventional approach which can be found in text, image, video, signage etc.

So what exactly gives Guerilla Marketing a competitive edge against Traditional Marketing here are few points:

1) Surprise Element

Guerilla Marketing’s special secret is the element of surprise, like guerilla warfare this strategy leaves a lasting impression in the audiences mind. As the massive army marches forward a stealthy guerilla forces emerge out of nowhere and ambushes the army, Guerilla Marketing hits the prospects when they least expect it just to create a memorable, sharable event to remember.

2) Creativity

  Another element which differentiates Guerilla Marketing from Traditional Marketing is out of the box thinking or creativity. Thus, guerilla marketing should have the ability to stand out among various marketing gimmicks that customers see on daily basis.

3) Inexpensive

Guerilla Marketing requires a fraction of amount required in traditional marketing such as in TV ads. This cost effectiveness of the strategy enables the marketer to deliver his/her message to wider audience and create a stronger impact on customer more than they could achieve with traditional marketing.

4) Guerilla Marketing tends more to B2C

Unlike traditional marketing which can be used for B2B or B2C, Guerilla Marketing strategies tend more towards B2C. Therefore it is always a good idea to research out the audience before creating and executing the idea.

Examples of Guerilla Marketing:

  1) Stealth Marketing

Also called as undercover marketing. It involves celebrities, movies and product placement. It is a renowned tactic which uses movies, series and TV in marketing a particular brand. Coca Cola is a good example of product placement in movies.

2) Stickers

It may be a common trick which every business can take part in. Also the implementation and creativity makes it a superb marketing tactic.

3) Creative Billboard

Billboards combined with guerilla marketing become an awesome way to advertise a product. These levels of creativity have surpassed the traditional way of marketing.

 4) Street Marketing

This is an outdoor guerilla marketing tactic. It involves taking the marketing action out on the streets; it can be a street art aimed for public welfare or for entertainment.

5) Viral Marketing

It involves marketing campaigns with high creativity and cleverness that can spread like wildfire, word of the mouth plays a crucial role in going viral.




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